Buddhasima Prasada
The Badda sima Prasada is one of the wonders of Polonnaruwa medieval kingdom and the largest Uposathaghara (the chapter house) of Sri Lanka situated in the ancient city, Polonnaruwa. This is a place of Buddist monks where they learn religious dogmas and codes of disciplines and hold ceremonies of confession. It belongs to the Alahana Pirivena, a temple to hold the tooth relic of Lord Buddha.
This ancient marvel consists of a pillared convocation hall on a square platform rising from a court flanked on all sides by ranges of cells backed by walls thick enough to have supported multiple storeys.
According to the Mahavamsa, it was a large construction with probably twelve stories high with more wooden floors on the top and with more than hundred columns.
At the centre of the building a square columned room with a raised podium in the centre, surrounded by the monks' cells and connected to the surrounding courtyard by four entrances, each with a valuable moonstone. This is a significant architecture of the Polonnaruwa era, having evidence of ancient painting values.