Situated in Thiriyaya, about 29 miles north of Trincomalee. The path leading to it did not give an easy journey through bumpy roads, jungle and ferry to travel to Girihandu seya during early days. But now, it's much developed and is easily reachable.
The story of Girihandu seya dates back to the period, when two brothers, Tapassu and Palluka who were traders, who journeyed across oceans in their occupations were the Buddha’s first devotees. On the 50th day of enlightenment, the brothers offered the first alms of bee’s honey to Lord Buddha. They listened to his deep spiritual understanding, Tapassu and Palluka received a lock of hair from the Buddha to engage in proper worshiping practices. They travelled to eastern shores of Lanka and placed the sacred hair in a stupa inside the girihand rock that became known as the Girihandu seya. Thus it is believed the Girihandu seya is the first stupa in Lanka.
Also it is situated a short distance from Yan oya. The significant thiriyaya stone inscription is a slight detour from the main stairway about mid-way of the climb remnants of many buildings lay scattered across small areas. Some rock caves situated here bear early Brahmin inscriptions indicating the existence of monasteries even during pre-Christian times. The earliest datable inscription at the site is the pre-Christian Brahmin inscription recording the dedication of a cave to the Buddhist monks.