Sama Chaithya
Sama Chaithya is one of the Peace Pagodas in the world. It is designed to promote non-violence in the community and unite for world peace. It is one of Ampara's most prominent landmarks.
Nipponzan Monk constructed Sama Chaithya under the patronage of Nichdatsu Fujii Maha Thero. He was a Japanese Buddhist monk and founder of the Nipponzan Myohoji order of Buddhism. He is best known worldwide for his decision in 1947 to begin constructing peace pagodas in many locations worldwide. This pagoda was declared open by the former president of Sri Lanka Junius Richard Jayawardane on 28th Feb 1998.
There are another four peace pagodas constructed in various places in Lanka. They are located at Unawatuna Adam’s Peak, Bandarawala, and Walapane. Sama Chaithya consists of the pagoda, a Mahayana style image house, and his retinue with a small pagoda and has a straight path from the pagoda entrance.